
Version: 0.7.0-proxmoxvms.697

Branch: feature/proxmoxvms

Tag: Autodeployed

Release Date: 08/18/2023 13:46:08


NETSetup allows users to automtiaclly (or automagically) setup and configure any number of machines (servers, client computers, laptops) in a given organisation from OS installation, to server configuration, to domain joining of client computers, to software installation, all according to a given NETSetup configuration file.

In other words: NETSetup translates an enterprise structure to a network configuration and sets up the network accordingly.

In a future revision a new machine will receive its NETSetup automatically during its OOBE experience ("Just plug it in!"™).

Executable (Advanced Functions)

SHA-256 Hash of NETSetup.exe:


NETSetup.exe can install and configure aspects of a given machine. During a regular NETSetup installation it need not be downloaded seperately. The executable is provided here for advanced users.

Use "NETSetup.exe [command]" with one of the following commands:

  • ensure-file --file <filename> --dir <directory>:
    Ensures that the file <filename> exists in the directory <directory>. If it does not yet exist, it will be downloaded from dropbox. Root for the --file parameter is Dropbox:\NETSetup\boot

  • ensure-folder --folder <foldername> --dir <directory>:
    Ensures that the folder <foldername> with all its contents exists in the directory <directory>. If it does not yet exist, it will be downloaded from dropbox. Root for the --folder parameter is Dropbox:\NETSetup\boot

  • install Requires <driveroot>\NETSetup\config\config.json to be present, where <driveroot> is the current drive’s drive letter. Looks in <driveroot>\NETSetup\config\config.json for a configuration matching the machine’s serial number and uses it to update the machine to match the machine’s configuration (OS, software, domain, etc.).

  • set-ip --ip <ipaddress> --netmask <netmask> --gateway <geteway> --dns <dns>:
    Sets the machine’s ip address to <ip-address> and changes netmask, gateway and dns to the entries provided.

  • join-domain --domain <domain> --user <username> --password <password>:
    Tries to join the machine to the domain <domain> with the user <username> and its password <password>. The user must include the NETBios-domain (e.g. osisa\

  • get-id: Gets the machin’s BIOS serial number (SMBIOS).

  • get-md5 --file <filename>:
    Gets the md5 hash of the file <filename>.

  • get-sha --file <filename>:
    Gets the sha256 hash of the file <filename>.

  • get-crc --file <filename>:
    Gets the crc-32 hash of the file <filename>.

  • check-sha --file <filename> --sha <checksum>:
    Checks that the sha256 checksum of the file <filename> matches the provides <checksum>

  • reboot-oobe [--force [1|true]]: Reboots the machine to the OOBE environment after confirmation. Optionally use "--force 1" to skip confirmation. WARNING: Once the machine is in OOBE environment, the entire process must be finished before you can return to the regular desktop.

  • rename --name <name> [--force [1|true]]:
    Renames the machine to <name>. Asks for confirmation unless "--force 1" is specified. WARNING: Using this while joined to a domain will mess up your system because the AD entry of your machine is not updated to match the new name. Leaving the domain will then be impossible because (presumably) no computer with the new name <name> exists in the domain.

  • wlan --ssid <ssid> --password <password>:
    Tries to connect your wifi to the ntwork with the SSID <ssid> using the password <password>.


.\NETSetup.exe set-ip --ip --netmask --gateway --dns
.\NETSetup.exe get-sha c:\temp\document.docx
.\NETSetup.exe wlan --ssid swisscom --password abcd-1234-efgh-5678-ijkl
.\NETSetup.exe install

NETSetup: USB Stick

Requirements for Installation using NETSetup USB Stick

  1. Target machine’s serial number has to be associated to a specific configuration.

  2. Physical access to the machine, which has power, display and a keyboard connected.

  3. An USB Stick of at least 16 GB (This USB Stick will be formatted and all data on it will be lost).

  4. The tool Rufus is installed (you can install it now with chocolatey: type "choco install rufus -y" in an elevated Powershell).

  5. The NETSetup.iso is in the folder "C:\NETSetup\". You can download it now.

SHA-256 Hash of NETSetup.iso:

Read the entire document once from start to end before doing anything.

Making the USB Stick

  1. Plug in your USB Stick to your computer

  2. Open rufus.

  3. Select your USB Stick from the list at the top ("Laufwerk"):

Select drive
  1. Click the "AUSWAHL" button and select the C:\NETSetup\NETSetup.iso file.

Select image
  1. Make sure that the following Items are set as expected:

    • "Partitionsschema" is set to "GPT"

    • "Zielsystem" is set to "UEFI (ohne CSM)"

    • "Dateisystem" is set to "NTFS"

Proper settings
  1. Click the "START" button.

Start button
  1. Rufus will show you a Popup. Make sure that none of the checkboxes are activated and click "OK".

  1. Rufus will show you a warning. Click "OK".

  1. Wait for the green progress bar at the bottom of the program to fill. This is a good time to get a cup of coffee.

  1. Rufus will show the text "FERTIG" in the filled progress bar once it is done. You can unplug and use the NETSetup USB Stick now and you can close rufus.


Using the USB Stick

  1. Plug the USB Stick in the target machine.

  2. Power on the machine and hold down the F9 key until you enter the boot menu.

  3. Use the arrow keys to select your USB stick. If your USB Stick shows up more than once, pick the topmost occurence.

  4. The target machine will install automatically. Wait for the installation to finish.

Note: If you’re setting up a new Windows Server Domain/AD, wait for the server to finish all its tasks before installing the clients. ~30min should be enough for reasonably up to date hardware. Connect the new machines to the LAN and boot them the same way with the USB Stick from before or a differnt one that has been made the same way


  • I get an error while creating the USB stick:

    => Ensure that the USB stick is working and that it has enough space.
  • I cannot enter the boot menu:

    => Disable "Fast Boot" in the BIOS. Consult Google if you are unsure on how to do this.
  • The NETSetup fails unexpectedly:

    => Ensure that you have the correct NETSetup.iso file.
    => Make sure you follow the directions in <<Using the USB Stick>> correctly and ensure that the target machine's serial number is correctly registered in the config.
  • Windows Server installation fails:

    => Windows Server installation REQUIRES to be connected to an ethernet environment (a router is enough, it doesn't have to be a complete internet-activated environment with multiple machines). If there is no response on the ethernet port while installing, Windows Server will not install and setup ethernet and it will fail.

Developer Info

When you push changes to the NETSetup repository, the corresponding Git Action tests, builds, and updates the executable and the ISO-Image automatically.

NETSetup Process

    actor Agent as Agent (public)
    actor Ticketing as Ticketing (public)
    actor Accounting as Accounting (private)
    actor NETSetup as NETSetup (private)
    actor Supplier as Supplier (Alltron)
    actor Provider as Provider (Dropbox)
    actor Computer
    actor SWVendor as Software Vendor (Microsoft)
    actor HWVendor as Hardware Vendor (HP)

    Customer ->> Agent: callAgent() -> new order
    Agent ->> Ticketing: createNETSetupTicket(order) -> new ticket
    Ticketing ->> Customer: notifyCustomer(ticket)
    Agent ->> Customer: requestCurrentMode(ticket) -> ensureConfig(ticket.customer.currentMode) 
    Customer ->> Agent: responseCurrentMode(ticket) -> updateConfig(updatedCurrentMode)
    Agent ->> Customer: requestFutureMode(updatedCurrentMode.config)
    Customer ->> Agent: responseFutureMode(updatedCurrentMode.config) -> futureMode.config

    Agent ->> Accounting: createQuote(updatedCurrentMode.config, futureMode.config) -> new quote
    Accounting ->> Agent: returnQuote(quote)
    Agent ->> Customer: sendQuote(quote)
    Customer ->> Agent: responseQuote(quote)

    Agent ->> Supplier: createOrder(quote) -> new order
    Supplier ->> Agent: return order.Success
    Agent ->> NETSetup: createConfigs(ticket, futureMode.config) -> new config[]
    Note over Agent,NETSetup: someConfig[] =  { {HASTAG}ticket.json, ... }
    NETSetup ->> Provider: save config[]
    Provider ->> NETSetup: return save.Success
    NETSetup ->> Agent: return save.Sucess

    Supplier ->> Agent: return order.HardwareHashes
    Agent ->> NETSetup: updateConfigs(ticket, hardwareHashes)
    Note over Agent,NETSetup: someConfig[] =  {{HASHTAG}, serial2.name2{HASHTAG}, ...  }
    NETSetup ->> Provider: updateConfigs(ticket, hardwareHashes)
    Provider ->> NETSetup: return update.Success
    NETSetup ->> Agent: return update.Sucess
    Supplier ->> Customer: deliverOrder(setup)

    Agent ->> NETSetup: Use Rufus to flash NETSetup.iso to USB Stick
    NETSetup ->> Agent: NETSetup ready USB Stick
    loop For every computer
        Agent ->> Computer: plugIn(Power, USB Stick, Display, Keyboard)
        Agent ->> Computer: turnOn()
        Agent ->> Computer: hold(F9 or other key to get into Boot Menu)
        Agent ->> Computer: select(USB Stick)
        Computer ->> Computer: tries to boot USB Stick
        alt if Can boot NTFS Partition
            Computer ->> Computer: Boots WinPE from NTFS Partition
        else else Lacks NTFS Driver
            Computer ->> Computer: Boots FAT32 NTFS Driver
            Computer ->> Computer: Boots WinPE from NTFS Partition
        Computer ->> Computer: WinPE runs startnet.cmd
        Computer ->> Computer: startnet.cmd searches every drive for autoexecute.ps1
        Computer ->> Computer: cd to drive and run autoexecute.ps1
        Computer ->> NETSetup: autoexecute.ps1 runs NETSetup.exe
        NETSetup ->> Computer: executionEnvironment = CheckInstallationRequirements()
        NETSetup ->> Computer: CheckIfElevatedElseExit(executionEnvironment)
        %%NETSetup ->> Computer: testValue = Read(TestInstallation.txt)%%
        %%NETSetup ->> Computer: config = config.OverrideSerialNumberIfInputNotEmpty(testValue)%%
        NETSetup ->> Computer: online = CheckResolveHostname(
        alt if online
            NETSetup ->> Provider: configs = ensureConfigs()
        NETSetup ->> Computer: serial = Computer.getSerial()
        NETSetup ->> NETSetup: currentConfig = getCurrentConfig(serial)
        alt if no config available
            NETSetup ->> Agent: listAvailableTickets()
            Agent ->> NETSetup: selectTicket(ticketNumber)
            NETSetup ->> NETSetup: Renameconfig(ticketNumber, serial)
            NETSetup ->> NETSetup: currentConfig = getCurrentConfig(serial)
        NETSetup ->> Computer: TryInstallDrivers(machine.Manufacturer.Name)
        NETSetup ->> Computer: TryInstallDrivers(machine.Model.Name)
        alt if online
            NETSetup ->> Computer: EnsureNewestImage(operatingSystem)
        NETSetup ->> Computer: targetDrive = GetLargestFixedDrive()
        alt if operatingSystem.Contains(Windows)
            NETSetup ->> Computer: CopyNETSetupFolderToImage(operatingSystem)
            NETSetup ->> Computer: CurrentDirectory = Images\\operatingSystem
            NETSetup ->> Computer: unattended = unattended.Replace(DISKID, targetDrive.Index)
            NETSetup ->> Computer: StartProcess(setup.exe /unattend)
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Reboot()
            Computer ->> Computer: Boots Windows Setup from targetDrive
            Computer ->> Computer: Windows auto setup via unattend.xml
            Computer ->> Computer: Add scheduled Task to run NETSetup
            Computer ->> Computer: Reboot()
            Computer ->> Computer: Boots Windows from targetDrive
            Computer ->> NETSetup: Run NETSetup
            NETSetup ->> Computer: DomainJoin(currentConfig.Domain), ...
        else else operatingSystem.Contains(Linux)
            NETSetup ->> Computer: targetDrive.CreateLinuxPartitions()
            NETSetup ->> Computer: targetDrive.CopyEverythingToNewPartitions()
            NETSetup ->> Computer: BIOS.DeactivateSecureBoot()
            NETSetup ->> Computer: BIOS.DeactivateFastBoot()
            NETSetup ->> Computer: BIOS.BootDriveFirst(targetDrive)
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Reboot()
            Computer ->> Computer: Boots GRUB Boot Manager
            Computer ->> Computer: Boots Void Linux
            Computer ->> Computer: Run /etc/profile
            Computer ->> NETSetup: Run /efi/netsetup/
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Partition Drive
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Format Drive
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Unpack Linux Image.tar.gz
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Mount Image
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Update BootEntry
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Umount Image
            NETSetup ->> Computer: Reboot()

    Customer ->> Agent: fillOut(config.approvalForm)


how to extract tar.gz

gunzip -t proxmox.tar.gz

how to extract squashed image to valid image

unsquashfs -x -f squashfs.img LiveOS/ext3fs.img -d void

delte previous file to ensure no error there

sudo rm squashfs.img

if not yet make new folder /mnt

mkdir /mnt

mount image locally to mnt/void

sudo mount -o loop squashfs-root/LiveOS/ext3fs.img /mnt/void

modify files on the image, eg:

sudo nvim /mnt/void/etc/profile

or even enter the image as if you booted it with

sudo chroot /mnt/void

unmount when done

sudo umount /mnt/void

and then repack the image

sudo mksquashfs squashfs-root squashfs.img

only good way to style bash shell / terminal btw

export PS1="[ \[\e[31m\]\u\[\e[m\]@\[\e[36m\]\H\[\e[m\]: \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[m\] ] \[\e[36m\]\t\[\e[m\] \[\e[31m\]\\$\[\e[m\] "